Tuesday 10 January 2012

The Awesome Adventure of Abraham Lincoln-Chapter 2.4

The Director snarled. “Can’t you take this seriously, Lincoln? We’re talking about a whole new discovery here!”
“Well I mean, I find it all a little hard to believe. Are you telling me I’m some kinda…super power man?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying, though I’m trying to say it in a less clumsy manner. We think that under the right circumstances, you could unlock the secrets to your supernatural powers. They already seem to work mildly-your physique and talent are a testament to that. And obviously you have a few weaknesses, like being shot in the back of the head…”
Abe really wished that would stop being brought up so much.
“But when studied and examined and maybe even explained, who knows?” the Director continued. “And we’ll be here to witness it. A superpowered human…I mean, admittedly in a world of hyperactive badger people and bringing people back to life with solar power, it’s a little prosaic, but still, it’s something!”
“Hold on a second there,” Lincoln held up a finger. No, not like that. It was purely innocent. “Hyperactive badger people?”
“I’ll field that one,” said the Commissioner, happy to have something to contribute to this meeting after being left out for so long. “For a few days now the city of Detroit has been bombarded by a bombastic band of bullying badger people. Unlike ordinary badgers, these ones seem energetic, rambunctious…almost hyperactive in their assaults on the citizenry. They’ve managed to take over half the city and converted it into what they’re calling New Badgeropolis.”
“And the military has had no luck getting rid of them?”
“We’ve tried everything, Lincoln. The army, the navy, the air force, the FBI, the CIA, the RIAA, the NWO…nothing. Those badger people are just too much for us. And every day it gets worse,” the Commissioner took some photos out of his jacket pocket. “Take a look at some of these pictures.”
He put the photos onto the Director’s desk. Lincoln gave them a quick study. The situation looked grim. A terrifying-looking badger army, snarling and clawing at military men. Another picture showed the badger people with whips in hands, forcing captured men and women into building their concrete sets. A final picture showed what he assumed to be the leader of the badger people, a grizzled old badger man with a crown and cloak, cackling in a manner that he could only guess was maniacal.
“Then it looks like I know where my first duty lies,” Abe gravely nodded. “Which way is Detroit?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Mr. Lincoln. Not even our best agents were able to overcome the badger race. And you don’t yet know what your powers are capable of. Hell, you don’t even know how to use them!”
“I don’t know a lot of things, Director,” Lincoln frowned. “And I admit, I’m still a little lost. All this new knowledge to take on is frankly overwhelming. I was brought back to life, I’m in the future, I have superpowers, badger people have taken over Detroit. You’ll forgive me if it takes a while to fully sink in.
But there’s one thing I’ll always understand. One thing that will always be true to me. And that is the ideal that when free people are being enslaved by others, then it is wrong, and it must be stopped. Maybe I don’t stand a chance. Maybe I’m just going to die all over again. But if I’ve been brought back here, then I’m going to continue my struggle for the ideals I so believe in. And this badgering of free citizens shall not go unpunished!”
A change came over Lincoln as he spoke those words. Perhaps it was just the inspiration he was giving, but more likely it was his hidden powers manifesting themselves. A burning, raging force burst into life around the former president, as he clenched his fists and gave a mighty cry.
“Lincoln powers…activate!”
With a screech of lightning and a clash of thunder, Abraham Lincoln shot off through the overly expensive office window and into the sky, zooming towards Detroit. Our hero was finally here.

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